Amendments, suggestions related information relating to this website can be emailed to Jacqui at .........
October 2008..........The ‘big one’ !
Hosted by Jacqui, from left to right present were .......
Hugh Maguire, Steve Eversfield, Clive Flynn, Rob Colpus, Keith Kempton, Dave Mead, Steve Greasley, Gary Bias.
Pete Young, Malcolm Snook, Ken Roberts, Tony Rolfe, Micky Boys, Dave Parker, Howard Robson, Graham Bosher,
Brian Shepherd, Dan O'Keefe, Jo Brady, Chris Mizzi, Dennis Harrington, Rob Waugh, Pete Marsden, Dennis Todd,
Malcolm Tullet, Chris Clements, Penny Hurtley, Sue Woods, Dennis Woods,
Tom Ward, Joe Godenzi, Nicki Beaven, Dave Beaven, Dave Pusey, Rose Seale, Micky Doyle, Jacqui Wright,
Neil Matthews, Mike Martin, and Gill (Kerr) Billington.
Also present but missing on the group mug shot ........
Barry and Paula Bias, Bob and Pam Dowling, Ted Strawson, Ian Smith, John Knight, Joe Grieg, Bob Jarrett,
Ann Young, Cindy Mathews, Duncan, Helen Reed, Mrs E Tullet, John Billington, Mark and Mandy Townsend,
Bill and Jill Murray (White Horse).
Celebrate 20 years of parachuting...... 70’s and 80’s !!
The 2008 manifest...........(click to enlarge)